
Località Montesoffio 5, 61038 Barchi/Terre Roveresche (PU)
Le Marche, Italy

The trip to Country house Montesoffio can be made by plane or overland by train or car. The nearest airports are: Ancona, Rimini, Bologna, Pescara and Treviso. The closest train stations are Fano and Marotta.

Download here the directions to our Country house Montesoffio.

By car: the route is via Basel and Milan, or via Innsbruck and Verona to Bologna, Rimini, Pesaro and Fano.

By train: you go via Milan and Bologna, to Rimini and on to Fano or Marotta. There is also an option to take the car-sleep-train from Holland, Germany or Belgium to Bologna.

By ferryboat: you can cross from Croatia, Greece, Turkey and Albania to Ancona.

By plane: you can fly from several airports (London, Brussels, Köln/Bonn, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, München) to Milan, Rome, Treviso, Pescara, Rimini, Bologna, Forlì or Ancona and then further by car or train. (For a pre-arranged price, we can pick you up at the train-station in Fano, Marotta or -coming from Rome- Fabriano or Ancona).

For more travel assistance go to: Travel assistance.